by Matthew Warlick | Mar 22, 2011 | Art & Illustration, Senryu
This is quite a milestone for me, because as much as I love floppies and my weekly visit to the comic shop – digital comics are the future. They may just save the medium, and American Literacy. Yes, I have high hopes. But I digress.
The colored and remastered version of Shaman’s Stone (which originally appeared in black & white in Senryu) is now available in Digital Webbing Presents #4.

Fellow Space-Gunners Jake Ekiss and Paul Milligan also have work appearing in the series in Digital Webbing Presents #3.
by Matthew Warlick | Jan 25, 2011 | Art & Illustration, Blog, Projects, Senryu
With direct-to-consumer digital downloads all the rage I thought I’d jump into the fray and offer up Senryu in a special digital collected-edition for anyone who likes to read comics on their iPad, iPhone, laptop or other PDF e-reader of choice.
That’s right kiddies, you can now get a beautiful high resolution digital copy Senryu, complete with extras for only $2.

The time seems right and with more creators offering up their work directly to their fans and consumers I thought it would be a good experiment to release Senryu this way and see what happened.
Click here to buy the book.
One of the main goals of our comic studio for 2011 is to have more of an impact in the digital world, and this will serve as somewhat of a test bed for that process.
I’ll let you know how it goes.
by Matthew Warlick | Aug 28, 2010 | Art & Illustration, Events, Senryu

Sorry for the short notice, but thanks to the generosity of my Space-Gun Studios brother-in-arm Evan I’ll be setup tomorrow for the second day of Dallas Comic Con.
I’ll have prints and copies of Senryu for sale, and will be doing sketches and headshots on the cheap, so come on out. Mention this blog and I’ll give you a free head sketch!

Also, starting September 1st I’ll be posting the complete Senryu online. After learning the ins and outs of ComicPress I’ll be offering it up as a webcomic starting next month.
It’ll run from Sept. 1st until October 7th, so add it to your RSS reader of choice now!
by Matthew Warlick | Feb 2, 2010 | Art & Illustration, Blog, Events, Senryu
Day two of DCC was pretty awesome. The lines weren’t nearly as bad but business was jsut as good as day one, with most of that business being in the form of sketches.
This cool kid asked me to do a female Iron Man sketch and I tried to rock it out as best as I could.

Got a nice Two-Face request as well.

Plus a rare appearance by King Bender.

Deadman. Who is dead.

Plus a little Predator action.

And to top it all off the little lady got to meet one of her most favorite actors, Sean Patrick Flanery. Priority pass line-cutting FTW!

All in all it was another very positive convention experience (except for the con-contagion Beth and I came down with Sunday night). Senryu didn’t do quite as well as I had hoped, but I made plenty of profit doing sketches and selling prints, so it was a win. Hopefully Staple will treat the book a bit better come March 6th.
by Matthew Warlick | Jan 11, 2010 | Art & Illustration, Blog, Interviews, Senryu
The guys over at Newsarama’s Best Shots review my first full-length comic Senryu.

…a mixture of chutzpah, free association and illustrated poetry, Indy Comic Week co-founder Matt Warlick’s book is a personal story put in front of an impersonal audience that nevertheless gives readers … food for thought.
…this book isn’t trying to pander to anyone — it’s intensely personal… if you’re a fan of poetry and art and the sort of daydreaming that comes with it, give this book a look.
It may not be Eisner-ready just yet, but Senryu is a precocious read that’s indicative of a lot of potential.
Read the entire interview here.
by Matthew Warlick | Jan 6, 2010 | Art & Illustration, Interviews, Projects, Senryu
The Fourth Wall podcast talks Indy Comic Book Week and reviews Senryu. Listen to the podcast here.