by Matthew Warlick | Apr 8, 2015 | Art & Illustration, Commissions, Design, Events, Gig Posters
My buddy and frequent DCC collaborator Devin Pike asked me to contribute the key art for this years Dallas Comic Con Shindig after-party extravaganza… so here’s Captain Mal in his underwear in a Barcolounger playing the classic MTV game show Remote Control. If we can get this to happen in real life my year will be made!

Captain Tightpants here will appear on poster art and on the official VIP Shindig Badges. The Shindig starts Saturday, May 30th at 7PM, tickets available here.
by Matthew Warlick | Sep 2, 2014 | Art & Illustration, Design, Gig Posters
This Summer Art Dump post contains two album/single covers done over this past summer. The first is for The Crayondroids single Destroy All Humans. The robots are based off of previous designs and I couldn’t help but throw in a Kang and Kodos reference to round it out.

by Matthew Warlick | Sep 1, 2012 | Art & Illustration, Design, Events, Gig Posters
I did the official tour poster for the No Friends Tour featuring Jesse Dangerously, Adam Warrock, Mikal Khill and Tribe One.

Check out the official No Friends site for tour dates and more.