by Matthew Warlick | Dec 14, 2011 | Art & Illustration, Blog
A few months back I got the chance to do some inking samples for Image’s new book Last of The Greats by Josh Fialkov and Brent Peeples. I didn’t get the gig but it was a fun exercise with some solid feedback from editorial nice-guy Rob Levin.

by Matthew Warlick | Dec 12, 2011 | Art & Illustration, Blog, Events
Here are a few iphone photos from Friday night’s live art show benefiting Genesis Women’s Shelter here in Dallas.

Adam Warrock doing a Maverick for charity.

Bidding underway.

Adam Warrock performing.

My finished Rulk piece.
It was, as always, a fun show for a good cause. Thanks to all who came out to drink, socialize, draw and bid on artwork
by Matthew Warlick | Jun 9, 2011 | Blog, Design
I was commissioned recently by my good friend Chris McCroskey to do an infographic laying out how the Anthony Weiner scandal has affected Congressional tweeting.

His site,, has gotten a lot of attention from the story as their service archives all congressional tweets, even ones that are later deleted. used the information to determine that Rep. Weiner had posted the photo from his Tweetdeck application, and had been using it for several hours prior to his claim of being hacked.
Data pulled from, ABC News and CNN.
by Matthew Warlick | May 26, 2011 | Blog

Well this year’s Dallas Comic Con was amazing. So amazing in fact that I am just now, late into Wednesday night, able to post about it. Bust seriously I had a ton of work to catch up on and this is the most i can muster as I fight to stay awake!

Anyway, DCC was awesome as always. The new venue at the Irving Convention Center is slick, and I mean slick. It’s a work of modern art really, with plenty of room to accommodate Dallas’ growing nerd population. Art was made, prints and books were sold, and a great time was had by all. Below is a roundup of photo and link goodness from DCC2011.
Beth’s Flickr Set
Luan & Ruby’s Flickr Set
Spider-Man Sketch

Warlock Sketch

Iron Man Jam Sketch

Godzilla Sketch for the always classy Scott Chitwood (and son) of Red 5 Comics.

Conquest on an Invincible Jam Sketch

Beth reading the always amazing Atomic-Robo.

So say we all!

by Matthew Warlick | May 26, 2011 | Blog

Here’s my one holdover piece from Dallas Comic Con. But it’s not my fault! The nice young girl who commissioned this wanted to know if I could mail it so she could leave the con early. Not sure what was so important, but thanks for trusting me with your cash Rachel! This will be in the mail to you shortly! Below are a few process shot of pencils, inks and final marker.

by Matthew Warlick | May 18, 2011 | Art & Illustration, Blog, Events
I’ll be in Irving this weekend, May 21-22, at the new Convention Center for Dallas Comic Con. I’ll be exhibiting in Artist Alley with the rest of the Space-Gun Studios members.
I’ll have $10 prints, original art for sale and will be offering sketches for $20 and open commission slots. If you’d like to pre-order a commission you can email me at soulcoredotnet (at) gmail dot com. I’ll be taking credit cards for the first time as well.

So come on out, say hello, and meet Leonard Nimoy, Stan Lee and a whole bunch of other awesome artists, writers and lovers of funnybooks.