Summer Art Dump: Custom Gaming Mats
Talk about a dream gig! This series of 6 custom painted play mats was commissioned by my homestore Madness Games & Comics for their 2014 Star Wars X-Wing Miniature Tournament.
Talk about a dream gig! This series of 6 custom painted play mats was commissioned by my homestore Madness Games & Comics for their 2014 Star Wars X-Wing Miniature Tournament.
I’ve made another move, this one in the really real world. The house I was renting got put on the market and I had to move on shorter notice than I was expecting, and so I ended up about 10 miles farther North, in a little town called McKinney. A town I just so happened to be born in. It’s on all kinds of “Safest City” & “Best Suburb” lists, and I’m happy to report that the restaurants on the revamped Downtown Square do not disappoint.
I’ve been back to work about two weeks now and finally have a moment to stop, catch my breath and update the site a bit. Speaking of, there are about a dozen new pieces in the Commission gallery with more coming soon. I also had time to play around with some watercolors during the packing process and did a few practice pieces including the Dark Phoenix you can see here.
Oh, and those commissions are now officially open!
In the ongoing quest to document my process and gain art fans through YouTube I’ve got another timelapse/speed drawing video in the can, this one of everyone’s favorite illegal alien, Superman. The Man of Steel. Clark Kent. Kal-El. The original Man of Tomorrow.
This is about 4 hours of work and was completed 100% on the pixel-box. The initial sketch, which I didn’t record, took about an hour or so. You can see the finished piece here.
January brings with it 2014’s first commission, a throwback-style Superman piece. You can check it out on my DeviantArt profile here, if you’re into that sort of thing.
This was completed for the same client who commissioned the Uuru Mystic piece and was given as a birthday present to one of their good friends. The next theme on the commission list is a toss-up between Dr. Who or Star Trek.
More time-lapse goodness, this time of the Burning Man commission I posted last week.
This is about 15 hours of work, including the mounting process, time-lapsed down to just over 5 minutes with music by the massively amazing Adam Warrock. If you dig the track go pick it up along with the rest of his new album Middle of Nowhere.
Christmas and the Solstice have come and gone and brought with them my last commission of the year, “Those That Burn”. The final piece was a mounted 16×32 stretched canvas print.
This piece was created for a friend and former co-worker to commemorate his girlfriends first trip to The Playa. She had always dreamt of going, and much like myself, had issues with logistic and anxiety that kept her from attending. It seems he helped her conquer those fears out in the Nevada desert and I’m happy to have played a small part in helping that memory find a permanent home in the physical world.
I recorded pretty much the entire process, including mounting the canvas print, and with a little help from my buddy managed to film her opening her gift as well. Look for that as soon as I can edit it down.