and inks too!
hell, why not a color rough to boot
Roughly 3 hours so far, about an hour per phase...
I?m going to try and do a portrait a month as a calendar wallpaper, here?s inks for the first one?
I need to vent
Because my shoulder hurts, really hurts, for the first time in a good while. Getting back to...
On Comic books and life
I have these kickass VHS videos I used to watch constantly as a young teenager, where Stan Lee...
An update long overdue
Well damn, it's been a while. I've been meaning to post to this blog ever since the year...
I Had a Dream…
"Don't let anybody make you think God chose America as his divine messianic force to be a sort of...
The Holy Moment and Revisionist History
Anyone who's seen the movie Waking Life knows what I mean by the Holy Moment. For those that...
The History We Are Doomed To Repeat
Swayin to the rhythm of the New World Order Count the bodies like sheep to the rhythm of the war...
To Sun, with Love
How I've missed you. Having to keep my back to you while separated by glass and steel. I long for...
The 7 days Follow Up – Torture of Children at Abu Graib
or "Government Defies an Order to Release Iraq Abuse Photos" "And whosoever shall offend one of...
I stopped and waited
... but no one was there to answer.
the one legged dead terrorist mastermind of the world
That's right folks, Osama is nowhere to be found so we have to keep dredging out our other boogey...
Sleeping Awake
The longest day ever, yet, only a second to dream. Torn between the realities of this world and...
Kill your TV
Do you watch TV? How about cable news? Yes? Well then, what other sources of news do you get? Oh,...
Looney Tunes
So, have you seen the new bugs bunny? I can't even begin to explain how lame this is … but these...
Part of The Whole
"A human being is a part of a whole, called by us ... universe, a part limited in time and space....
An Introduction
Yeah, so anyone who knows me (or happens to flip thru the root of SoulCore) knows I’m obsessed...